Sunday, October 23, 2011

Things you do

Dear Henry,

You have gotten so funny lately, I thought you might like to hear about all the fun and silly things you do and say.

So, you used to be able to identify several of your body parts (ears, nose, tongue, feet), but now you always point to the wrong one when we ask you. I was worried that maybe you had forgotten them somehow until we were reading a book that had the word "ear" in it - when I read it, you grabbed your ear. So I figured out that you're playing a trick on us! I'm not sure why, but it is pretty funny - it really drives Daddy crazy, though.

You mimick everything we say these days. A few weeks ago, you pulled a book off the shelf and threw it on the floor. I told you to put it back. You turned to Daddy and said, "Put that back!"

You also love to sing. Your favorite song lately is a song we made up about our dog, Lily Belle. It goes "Wiener, wiener, wiener Belle. She's a sassy Wiener Bell." You sing "wiener, wiener, wiener" all the time, and I always have to explain that you're singing about our dachshund.

Last week, Granny and Grampa came to visit, and you had a great time with them. You talked so much more around them than when it's just us. You enjoyed having an extra audience too. You can't say Grampa, though, so you called him Old Dad (Oda) instead. In fact, when I told you to go wake Grampa up one morning, you said, "Who's that?" I said, "That old guy that's staying here." You said, "Oda?"

One night, I was getting ready to put you to bed, and I told you to say goodnight to Daddy. You said, "Bye bye." (Close enough). Daddy said, "Night night, Henry." You replied, "Bye, Dude."

You are so funny and getting funnier all the time!

Here are some recent pictures of you.

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